Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Assignment 3

"A Vision of Students Today"
technology and education
By Michael Wesch

Okay, so this video was different. While I can agree with some of the experiences these students had, I have had some different ones also. I have been in several classes of more than 50 and sometimes more than 100. These sizes just are not as conducive to learning as smaller classes. Instead of being able to talk to the professor about a subject you use clickers to communicate. While this has its advantages, you are still missing out on the face to face time. Another point I agree on is how many professors actually know there students names. I would be surprised if 18% of my former professors knew my name. Once again, this goes back to class size. I can also relate to the multitasking that most college students have to do. I work full time, go to school part time, and have a family and house to take care of. Not to mention making time for friends, working out, eating, and sleeping. Students today have so much on their plates that it is a wonder anyone graduates! I would also have to agree with how much school work students have to do that will not even help them in their future career. It is crazy that a lot of what we learn has no bearing on our future!

Some of my different experiences include not spending time online during class. I don't have a laptop so I definitely don't get to browse Facebook or any other social networking sites during class time. I actually try to pay attention and learn something in the classes I am paying for. Another difference the students not reading assigned material. Maybe it's just me, but I always try to read materials assigned to me in class. I believe reading is very important in learning something new. One thing I would change to reflect these differences is to show the statistics of how many students can actually afford a laptop. Also, show the grade differences between people who read assigned materials and those who don't. I do believe that the educational system does need to be reformed, but I also do not believe it can be done overnight.

"It's Not About the Technology"
By Kelly Hines

This blog really tells it like it is. I could not agree more with Ms. Hines on all of her points. While integrating technology into the classrooms in important, if the teachers using the technology do not understand it how can that be useful? Also, education should not be solely about teaching students how to use technology in order to get ahead in life. Ms. Hines does a wonderful job drawing the line between technology being useful and technology being destructive to learning.

I thoroughly agreed with Ms. Hines' list of four things teachers need to realize.Teachers need to be able to relate to their students on some level if they are to be successful in teaching them. Knowing what interests your students can only make your life easier as a teacher. With this knowledge you can mold your lesson plans to teach these students in ways they can understand. I also agree with teaching and learning not being the same. If you are teaching your students and they are consistently not learning, then clearly you need to reevaluate your teaching skills. See what you can do to improve the learning experience for both you and your students. As stated earlier, technology is useless if teachers do not know how to incorporate it into their teaching. Ms. Hines' proves this point. It is our responsibility as educators ( and future educators) to keep up with technology and find new ways to use it in the classroom. Finally, I like the framework for learning provided by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
It does include technology, but it also includes creativity and innovation. These two things definitely need to be reincorporated into the curriculum. This blog was very informational and I really enjoyed reading it.

"Is It Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher"
By Karl Fisch

Reading this blog I am left with mixed opinions. First of all, I would like to discuss Terry Freedman's "list of standards for teachers." I do agree with the first statement that all teachers should be technologically literate, however, Freedman loses me afterwards. Teachers should not have to be embarrassed about being technologically illiterate, nor should they be proud. We should not judge these teachers until we have made an effort to enhance their knowledge on the matter. On to the next item on the list: digital natives and digital immigrants. I am not sure there should be a dividing line between "natives" and "immigrants", can't we all be people who are trying to expand our knowledge of technology and work together instead of being labeled. The last three items on the list just make me more aggravated! Why do we have to keep blaming people instead of helping them? Let's just throw principals and other high ranking officials to the wolves just because some teachers have not caught up to today's "standards"! We should all be working together to help the children in our classrooms instead of fighting over who is better with technology. I am sure most teachers need to be updated on the use of computers and other technology in the classrooms, but this does not mean we should scald them pets who have done something wrong. Let's help each other to help the children!

I am much more agreeing with Mr. Fisch's post on teacher illiteracy. He does not want to throw these teachers to the wolves, he only wants them to see how important technology can be in the classroom. The quote in this blog, "If a teacher today is not technology literate- and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more- it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read or write", really made me think. After reading further into the blog, I really think I can agree with Fisch. In today's society it is becoming increasingly difficult to succeed without knowing how to use today's technology. I can attest to this first hand. Before EDM310, the things I knew how to do on computers was severely limited. With this class I am learning how to do more and more, and I know this will help me when I reach the classroom. Mr. Fisch, along with several other bloggers that I have read, seem to have the same opinion as me: in order to teach our students something, we have to learn it with them. Teachers never truly stop learning!

Social Media Count

These changes are really scary! I mean, you never know what is going to happen in the next few seconds, much less the next two years while I am in school. While I don't believe teachers will ever be obsolete, it still frightens me to see how technology has changed everything. To see how much money and time are spent on computers is eye opening. I guess that I had better catch up with this technological literacy before I get left behind!

1 comment:

  1. "I guess that I had better catch up with this technological literacy before I get left behind! " How right you are!
